Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Here!!!

A book is born!! After all the problems with Amazon getting it posted, my book is here! Finally! It's such a dream come true. Something so many writers work toward. All those hours at the computer writing, re-writing, editing, sweating, crying. All those meals I didn't make, and chores I didn't do, just so I could practice my craft!

It all feels worth it now!

It's priced low, since I'm an unknown author, so take advantage of that, and buy it now on Amazon! When I'm rich and famous, it might cost more! LOL That would be nice. Then I could afford to pay all my stupid medical bills. :P


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations! The cover is stunning.

Unknown said...

Congrats! I'll feature your book on my blog Monday 9/23 at
Hope you have great success!

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