Thursday, June 17, 2010

Change is Good!

So how cool is this? Blogger has new layouts, new ideas, new themes to choose from. Yeah! I love this template. Fitting, isn't it?

It makes me realize how important it is to change with technology. There was a time when all writers wrote with quill and ink. Then came along the good old fashioned typewriter. Yikes. I cringe to even think about it. Then God took pity on us writers and inspired the computer. (Yes, is was solely for us) Hallelujah!

This teaches me how important it is to accept change--be able to bend and adapt. It's survival of the fittest. How well do you adapt? Take e-publishing for example. Do you resist? Rebel? Refuse?

When your critique group or editor tells you to change something, even something drastic, do you scream and cry, pull your hair out? How well do you go with the flow? It's important to think about. You won't survive in this business if you refuse to change with the times. I don't mean bending your values or anything like that, but you must be able to grasp the concept of change. You must be able to look to the future and accept that things cannot and will not remain the same.

Take it as an opportunity to grow, because if one thing is certain, it's the certainty of change.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

I like your new template! I succombed as well to blogger design and figured I'd give my blog a new look for its birthday. I like how you segued this into a change post. Great post, Melissa!!

Alison Palmer said...

Love the new background. I haven't used their templates for a while, but it looks like it's time to check them out. Might even steal yours. Shhhhh! don't tell. :)

Jennie said...

love this template! fits you perfectly! how fun!

thanks for the reminder to change when needed... i don't usually do very well with change unless i instigate it.

... something i need to work on!

Old Kitty said...

Excellent design and very apt!! Brilliant!

And thank you for your wise words!

take care

Tess said...

It has been fun to see the new blogger templates out there this past week. Everyone looks all fresh and new :)

Ann Best said...

This is a gorgeous template. I love it! And I love change. But no, no, I'm not going to change mine again!! Really. Two and a half months of blogging and I've lost count of how many times I've changed it. I've changed with the new design three times. Three's the magic number. I'm repeating this because I'd love to see if I could come up with a design as stunning as yours. Might do one for practice...when I don't have anything more important to do (lol!!!).

Theresa Milstein said...

Your blog looks awesome! I haven't had time to play with the new features yet.

Great analogy between changes in the blog technology and changes in writing.