Monday, May 4, 2009

I did it!

Well, I did it! I entered a short horror story in the Writer's Digest writing competition. I am very excited about it and I think it's pretty dang good! Mostly because my new friends at writers incognito edited the heck out of it! THANKS GUYS!

The winner gets two tickets to New York to meet with publishers and agents and wins $3,000! I'd like to think I had a chance of winning, but since I didn't even win a spot with the chapter contest at LDS story makers, I don't know if that will happen. But I didn't have writer's incognito before, so who knows? I have a good feeling about it. Even if nothing comes of it, at least I did it!

Let me give the advice that many have given to me. KEEP WRITING! KEEP TRYING AND NEVER GIVE UP!


Annette Lyon said...

I think getting feedback is a HUGE key. Once I started getting honest critiques, my ability jumped ahead light years. That alone is priceless. Way to enter, no matter what the results will be!

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

I say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his

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