Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Woman's Power

I don't believe in accidents. I think things happen for a reason, at a time when you need to learn some specific lesson. I may find out I'm wrong about that someday, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Which brings me to a book I was asked to review. A Woman's Power: Threads that bind us to God, by Fay A Klinger.

I tend to mostly read thrillers or suspense novels with a few fantasies or romances thrown in. I'm not normally drawn to inspirational books even though they are food for our souls. I forget how good they are.

The very first chapter had me in tears. This book must have been destined to fall into my lap. In every chapter there is something that deeply touches my heart, that brings tears to my eyes.

In this book we are reminded as women, how important we are, how powerful we are, how vital to God's plan we are. It reminds us the importance we play in every aspect of our lives: work, family, self.

It reminds us that we are divine, and part of a divine plan. Inspirational quotes and inspiring scriptures augment what Fay talks about in each chapter. It's a powerful book. One every woman should read whether they are LDS (Mormon) or not.

Wonderful book, Fay. Thank you so much for sending it to me. I will treasure it always. And good luck on your book tour!

Here is a link to the trailer... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqGIIITIjHU&feature=youtu.be


Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Sounds like a powerful book! will follow the link...

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Sounds like a powerful book! will follow the link...

Laura S. said...

I'm sure many women could use an inspirational, moving book like this. Women have come a long way, but we're still not where we could be. Thanks for the rec!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a really wonderful book! Thanks for letting us know about it.

Old Kitty said...

Love how this book truly touched your soul, Melissa!

Take care

Rob-bear said...

Sounds like a very good book, indeed.

tercume said...

ı came to increas your comment number:)

Jessica L. Celaya said...

That is a great message that all women should be reminded. Thanks for the book review. It sounds like a great book.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Nice review. Some books are meant for us. Sometimes, they sit on our shelves until we're ready for them.
Play off the Page

JudyH329 said...

I'm like you, I usually read murder mysteries or suspense, but occasionally a good non-fiction will fall into my path. I think God places these nuggets of wisdom there for us, whether it be a book or a person. I'm going to look for the book. Thanks!

Valerie said...

Sounds like a great book and I've never heard of it. Glad to read your post.

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