Have you ever felt that way? Directed to do something that may not have been in your playbook? Often I feel directed to do something and then I look back on my life and it all makes sense. Right now, I need to use my energy building my musical talents so my lessons at the school are fun, and you know what? They are. Last week a boy stood up in the middle of the computer lab when I walked by, and yelled, "Hey Mrs. C! You're the best music teacher ever!" It totally made my day. I can't even tell you.
I'm making a huge impression on these kids and it feels good. Really good. Would I rather be writing? Sometimes. But I know that this is what I need to be doing right now. It takes a huge amount of time. I often find at the end of the day that the whole day has gone by and I never wrote, edited or anything. It can be very frustrating, but when I chat with God about it, he tells me to stop worrying and to just keep going--that is job is a gift. And not just for me.
I am trying to have faith that everything will turn out as it should. I think it will. We all have a purpose. We're here for a reason, and it may be totally different than we think. The secret is to follow your heart. Follow those feelings that come from inside. Follow your gut. And try to make your path as bright and happy as you can. It's more important for me to make people feel loved than it is for me to write more. When it happens, it will be because it's the right time and because I never gave up.
I LOVE this quote. It helps me remember that what I'm doing now is the right thing, and just because I've taken a slight detour doesn't mean my dream of being published won't happen.
You can use this quote in many different ways. I hope it brings you all comfort like it did me.
Thanks for this post, Melissa. I guarantee that you are leaving an impression with those kids that will last a lifetime. Never underestimate your impact as a teacher. I still send a X-mas card to my kindergarten teacher every year, and I'll have my own little one in kindergarten soon.
I remember teaching phonics and receiving a note from one of the boys' parents about how much progress he was making and how much fun the classes were. I've kept that note as a bookmark, so that whenever I doubt that I have potential in anything, I can look back and see that I've done something worthwhile :)
Thanks for the work you do, and as for your writing, I'm sure that will come when the time is right :)
Last week at a conference with other teachers, I talked with one about feeling "filled up" (it was in reference to church, but can be applied to many parts of life). That's just what I thought of when I read your post. I wish you (and all of us) the best of luck with achieving that feeling!
Do what's right and all good things will come in time.
Thank you for the quote! Mrs. C I think you are the bestest teacher too!! You are nurturing and bringing the joy of learning to the next generation and that's just amazing! Yay! take care
that comment alone would be enough for me to know I was doing the right thing. What a compliment!
Great attitude, Melissa. To everything there is a season. We feel blessed when we love what we are doing, because we can't always do what we love. Sneak the writer thing in when you get a chance, but music is great too.
It's wonderful to have choices of so many things that feed our souls and give us joy. The trick is finding the right times for each.
I really never planned on being a published author, let alone an author of two books. So everything has become a step of faith.
The goal of being a writer does not have to be our only goal in life. In this day and age we talk about people having multiple careers in a lifetime and sometimes simultaneous ones. There is no time limit. I am constantly inspired by people who become writers in the second half of their lives. I recently heard a story about a guy who only learned to read and write in his early 90s and became a published author a few years later. Take that naysayers!
There is a time for everything. Just gotta recognise it when it comes.
Hey Mrs C, I just read this post and it was superb. You are doing all the right things. I sense that you are doing great things for your students. Keep talking to God though and you'll never go wrong.
My BW taught some children in the seventies. A couple months ago some of them got hold of her on facebook and thanked her profusely. So even if you don't get that particular affirmation God knows what you did.
This post was inspiring. Thank You.
If you never publish a book ever you can still know you were a teacher and that is one of the best things ever.
Teachers change lives. Never ever doubt that.
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We need to learn to appreciate where we are at the moment. That was a hard lesson for me to learn. If you're not writing, you're gathering up fodder for later works. We must go where we feel called.
What a great compliment from your student.
Great post and discussion!
God calls us to different places at different times, and faith gets us through.
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