Sunday, April 3, 2011

C is for Critique Group

Critique group. That just about sums it up. I haven't been able to meet with mine for a few weeks and I've really missed them. I wouldn't be where I am without them. I LOVE you guys.

If you don't have one, get one. If you have one, don't forget to hug and kiss them and tell them they're wonderful!


Natalie Decker said...

I love my critique girls. They are great, you are right. =) Great post

Old Kitty said...

Yay!!! Critique groups - when you have a really good vibrant and lovely one - are treasures!!! Yay for them!! Take care

Unknown said...

Love them? Yes! But hugs and kisses... We get the idea. Just remember that you are a part of that wonderful group.