I cannot even begin to say how great LDS Storymaker's Conference was. There is something different about this conference and I can't really pinpoint what it is, but there is a feeling that prevails that brings everyone together in a different way.
The classes were fantastic and I can't wait to implement what I learned into my books. Dave Farland's class was unbelievably

I got a ton out of Jeff Savage's class about villains. I can see that the villain in my book needs to be developed more. Thank you so much, you guys, for sharing your knowledge.
There were over 460 people that attended this year. HOLY COW! I don't know what they are going to do if it keeps growing. Cap it off, I guess.

I roomed with Sheila Stahley of the LDS Women's Book Review and Poscast and that was a total riot! She is so fun and outgoing. I just adore her! Kisses to you, girl!
The thing I loved most was hobnobbing with so many great people. All the authors make you feel like part of the game, totally included. I really loved meeting three of the other authors contracted with my publisher, WiDo publishing. We became like a little family. They are wonderful and have become dear friends.

I am so grateful for this new and wonderful world I've been allowed to enter. I can't even begin to explain how it feels to be a part something like this. The new friends, the training, the closeness you gain at something like this . . . Well, you'll just have to start coming to find out!
Just so you know, the first picture is with Jeff Savage, author of the Farworld series and James Dashner, author of Maze Runner and many other books, who are going to write blurbs on my book, unless, of course, they don't like it. Then I hope they don't say anything.
The next pic is with Sheila Stahley of LDS Women's book Review and podcast and Brandon Mull, author of the Fablehaven series.
The next is Lori Nawyn and Renae Mackley, from my critique group.
Then With David Farland, renowned author, screen writer and writing professor at BYU.
The last is the pic of all four authors who are signed with WiDo publishing. David West, Tamara Hart Heiner, me and Mary Gray.
Glad you had a great conference and are brimming with positive ideas to develop your writing!
Getting that novel polished, finished and published is really an amazing adventure!
Take care
I gave you an award on my blog today for your sunny happy personality! What a great picture of the WiDo authors at conference! You should email that to marketing for the website!!
Conferences are like getting your battery recharged. Sounds and looks like it was great. You're making me look forward to the NESCBWI conference I'm attending in May.
Loved the conference. And, you look great!! I just love Sheila. I'm glad you had so much fun, so did I. Awesome weekend.
I hate that I couldn't stick it out. But it was great seeing you again :)
Being my first time at the conference I was amazed at so many things: how many people were there, the camaraderie of being surrounded by others who love the written word as much I do, making new friends and learning, learning, learning. Sheila's mentioned you often and it was great to finally meet you!
Aww Melissa and Rebecca, you both are making me cry! I feel so lucky to have such great friends as you. You both are such wonderful women and you inspire me so much!
Love to you both!
BTW...I had the best time at the conference this year. It was so much fun to room with you. We need to do it again next year. :)
Dude, my face looks twice as wide! Ha!! It was so fun meeting you, Melissa. You have some spunk!
I saw your award on KarenG's blog and decided to come over and check your blog out. That conference sounds like a great experience. I'm a bit jealous actually.
JEEZE! That is incredible! So freaking awesome!!! Glad you had a blast and I hope they like your book and have good things to say about it :) wow that must have been an experience you lucky-duck!
It was a really fun conference! I'm sad I didn't really get to spend time with you but I was happy to meet you in person! =D
oh it was awesome!!! I came away with the same feeling. Like I am apart of an awe-inspiring, awesome community.
Loved meeting you!!! And seriously, you should see me when I'm not pregnant. I take better pictures.
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for the post about storymakers. I agree it was a great conference. I'm so excited for your book. I also saw a pic of Ranae from your crit group - she was at my boot camp table & I love her writing, too!
I too had a ball at the conference. It's fun to see your pictures! *note to self, figure out how to include pictures in posts*
Good luck on your goal!
I am #100 follower!!!
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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