Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A great quote from my new editor.

I have some great news! I have been assigned an editor. She's fantastic. I went to her blog and on her latest post she was answering questions about submissions and things. Well, this is part of what she posted. The YA fantasy she is talking about is MINE!!! I just had to share.

She says:

"Recently we accepted two fairly quickly. One, a wrenching memoir that came unbidden and complete in the mail and had our fairly skeptical acquisitions editor in tears on the first chapter. The other a YA fantasy with a delightful writing style which made it stand out above all other such fantasies we have received and rejected the past two years. That was a thrill, since we REALLY wanted a YA fantasy in our line up. Needless to say, both these mss. were accepted fairly quickly BECAUSE 1) Each had several elements that made us sit up and take notice, either writing style, story, a twist, likable and interesting characters, or all of the above. 2) Each was a genre we did not have in our lineup. 3) Highly marketable. Completely different markets and demographics, yet we could see them as a stand-out offering in their particular genres. 4) The two authors, although inexperienced, seemed likable, smart and easy to work with and 5) We really wanted to publish them for all the above reasons."

Anyway, It felt so good to actually see what they think of my work that I wanted to share it. Honestly, I'm still amazed and surprised that it has finally happened for me. I really can't believe it. Not that I didn't think it ever would, it's just so wild and I've been dreaming about it for so long that I just can't believe I'm going to be published, even still. Now I'm afraid my revisions won't be good enough. It's always something!


Brock said...

Where can we read this blog?

Melanie said...

Oh, Melissa. Yeah! I haven't popped in on your blog for a while and look what's happened! You have given this your heart and soul. I'm thrilled for you. Have faith in your talents. They paid you quite a compliment that is well deserved! You're doin' it baby!

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

I say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his

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